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General questions

What types of content can be protected using your service?

Using the service, you can protect the following types of content:

  • Texts
  • Videos
  • Images
  • Games
  • Logos
  • Music
  • Maps
  • Photographs
  • Packaging
  • Software
  • Websites

and many other intellectual works.

Thus, offers a wide range of services for the protection of various types of intellectual property.

What are the advantages of using blockchain for intellectual property protection?

Using blockchain for intellectual property (IP) protection offers several distinct advantages:


  • Immutable Proof: Once data is recorded on a blockchain, it cannot be altered or deleted. This provides a tamper-proof record of the IP, ensuring that there’s always a clear and unchangeable record of ownership.
  • Timestamping: Blockchain provides a precise timestamp of when the IP was added to the chain. This can be crucial in legal disputes to prove the originality and ownership of a piece of work from a specific point in time.
  • Decentralization: Unlike centralized databases, blockchain operates on a decentralized network of computers. This means there’s no single point of failure, making it more resilient to attacks and data loss.
  • Transparency: All transactions on the blockchain are transparent and can be viewed by anyone. This can help in verifying claims and ensuring that the rights of IP holders are upheld.
  • Cost-Efficient: Traditional methods of IP registration can be time-consuming and expensive. Blockchain can streamline the process, making it faster and often more cost-effective.
  • Global Recognition: A blockchain-based IP registry can be recognized globally, eliminating the need for multiple registrations across different jurisdictions.
  • Smart Contracts: These are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. They can be used in the IP domain to automate processes like royalty payments whenever IP (like music or art) is used.
  • Ease of Transfer: Transferring ownership or licensing rights can be easily managed on the blockchain, ensuring that all parties have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions.
  • Protection Against Fraud: The cryptographic security features of blockchain make it extremely difficult for malicious actors to introduce counterfeit IPs into the system.


In summary, blockchain offers a modern, secure, and efficient way to manage and protect intellectual property rights in the digital age.

How do I start using your service?

The process of starting to work with the service is as follows:

  • Go to and click the “Protect Work” button.
  • Content Upload: Add the project files of your work.
  • Registration: Enter your email or log in to the service via a Google account.
  • Registration Confirmation: After registering, check your email to confirm the registration and activate your account.
  • Data Entry: After registration, in the Drafts section, click the Continue button; you will need to provide contact information such as email, name, and other relevant details.
  • Choose the type of protection: Depending on your content and preferences, select the appropriate protection type.
  • Confirmation Receipt: Once the process is complete, you will receive confirmation that your content is protected, which will be saved on the blockchain.
  • Monitoring and Management: Use your account to monitor the status of your content, update information, or add new content.
  • Contacting Support: If you have any questions or issues, contact the support service through the form on the website.

How can I be sure that my intellectual property is truly protected?

To verify the protection of your intellectual property, you can take the following steps:

  • Acknowledgement from the service: After registering your intellectual property on the platform, you will receive an official confirmation or certificate indicating that your content has been registered.
  • Blockchain verification: The certificate provides a hash of the blockchain entry that can be used to verify the blockchain entry.

How much does using your service cost?

The cost of using our service depends on the tariff plan you choose.

You can register one copyrighted work for free, with a size of no more than 1 Gb. If you need more features, for detailed information on prices and available options, please visit our pricing page.

How does international protection work with taimstemp?

Reliable proof of your copyright claim. Easier and faster to prove your claim in future infringement disputes.

Do I still have to register a patent or trademark?

Reliable proof of your copyright claim. Easier and faster to prove your claim in future infringement disputes.

Will the timestamp be admissible in court?

Reliable proof of your copyright claim. Easier and faster to prove your claim in future infringement disputes.

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